Author: Emily Wong

How to Save Posts on LinkedIn

How to Save Posts on LinkedIn

Ever get frustrated because there’s an interesting post on LinkedIn, but you don’t have time to read it…and the next time you go looking for it, you can’t find it?

Did you know you can save a post to read later?

Here are the instructions:

To save the post…
Click the 3 dots just above the content you want to save.
Click “Save.”

To view your saved content later…
Click  “My items” on the left of your LinkedIn homepage.

Click “Saved posts” from the list under “My items.”

Happy reading!

Prune Words to Simplify Your Message

Prune Words to Simplify Your Message

Image credit: syahrel from Getty Images

You can say a lot with a little.

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of rearranging or cutting those tiny words that don’t add value.

✨To be clear, there’s nothing grammatically incorrect about these words. But consider your audience, who likely has a lot of other resumes to get through.

Anytime you can cut words or shorten sentences is a chance to gain favor from a busy reader.

Here are a few tiny words you can tinker with:

1. …of…

Instead of 
Improved standards of quality.

Improved quality standards.

Instead of
Oversaw restructure of 3 organizations.

Oversaw 3 restructures.

💪 Challenge: Do a quick word search for “of.” If you eliminate that word and rearrange the text as I’ve done, are you able to say the same thing?

2. …in order to…

A common phrase in business communication is “…in order to…” But your (bullet) point will be stronger if you just say “to.”

Here’s an example:

Instead of
Expanded to new platforms in order to increase subscriber base.

Expanded to new platforms to increase subscriber base.

💪 Challenge: Scan for resume for “in order to” and replace the phrase with a simple “to.”

3. …related to…

Here’s another phrase you can cut and rearrange the text to keep things trim:

Instead of
Conducted due diligence related to M&As.

Conducted M&A due diligence.

💪 Challenge: Do a search for “related to,” cut it, and rearrange the text. 

Don’t let those pesky little words creep into your resume and weigh it down.

✨ Bonus: cutting unnecessary words might also be the solution to that annoying orphan line (you know, the one that only has one lonesome word) that takes up valuable resume real estate.

Besides trimming and rearranging the little words, look for sentences where you can cut the extra fat (aka jargon).

✨ Don’t confuse buzzwords with words that actually bolster a phrase. Jargon won’t add the strength you need for a powerful profile. In fact, it’ll slow down the reader. 

Here’s an example of a phrase I worked on with a client: 

Original sentence:
Maximized workable solutions and performance for key market goals. 

Revised sentence:
Fueled 4X revenue growth and tripled active subscriptions by expanding to 3 new platforms.

See the difference we made by replacing buzzwords with specifics and substance?

As writing expert Roy Peter Clark reminds us in his book,  How to Write Short, word clutter hides a clear focus.

💪 Exercise: Print out a copy of your resume and other documents and ask a friend or relative to review them for clarity, highlighting sentences that are confusing.

HINT: Tell them they don’t have to edit (and listen for a sigh of relief). Ask them to just identify anything that doesn’t make sense with a quick read. Nothing works better than a fresh pair of eyes.

When you get the document back, play with the words, rearrange them, and see what you can cut.

A leading cause of recruiter frustration is when resumes are bloated with unnecessary and clunky words that confuse and slow the reader.

If your resume is easy to read, I guarantee you’ll be a step ahead of your competition and earn points with those who are doing the hiring!

I’m cheering for you!

Don’t Treat Your Job Search Like a Full-time Job

Don’t Treat Your Job Search Like a Full-time Job

Image credit: annatodica from Getty Images

Treat your job search like a full-time job.

Who hasn’t heard that from well-meaning coaches and others in our orbit who want us to get focused and get a job—fast.


Think about it. First of all, it’s nebulous, with no start or end date.

Second, it can be daunting to think about adding another 40+ hours to your already-packed week.

Even if you’re unemployed, you’re (hopefully!) either filling those traditional employment hours with upskilling or volunteering in a meaningful way that will help you advance your career and give you a sense of purpose.

I’d never suggest that you approach a product launch or bathroom renovation with a second-job mindset, so why would I ask you to do that with your job search?

Instead, I’d recommend managing your job search like a project, which means setting up a plan just as you would any other major endeavor.

Following are 5 rules to create a framework for your successful job search project:

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Getting Your Resume Past the Robots (ATS)

Getting Your Resume Past the Robots (ATS)

Photo credit: Patrick Daxenbichler from Getty Images

Let’s talk about ATS. If you’re not familiar with ATS, it stands for applicant tracking system, and it basically serves as the gatekeeper for your resume when you apply online.

If you’re like a lot of job seekers, you have questions about whether or not your resume is ATS-friendly. 

If you’re like some, you may even break into a sweat at the mention of the term and the thought of those scary little bots, rubbing their tiny bot hands, and thinking up evil ways to prevent your precious resume from reaching the hands of a hiring manager.
3 questions that rise to the top of my clients’ lists of concerns when it comes to ATS:

  • How can I present my skills to ensure they get read?
  • Do columns, tables, and other formatting affect readability?
  • Is it OK to use text boxes, graphs, and images?

Well, my friend, I hope the following answers will put your mind at ease and help you with your resume-writing strategy.

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Is it OK to Brag?

Is it OK to Brag?

Photo credit: Mix and Match Studio

It’s so HARD for me to talk about myself! 

I hear this a lot. And I get it. 

You don’t feel the need to shout your achievements from the rooftops. You’re a high achiever, and there’s a reason you got where you are: you spend more time showing what you can do, so you haven’t needed to talk about it. 

And to be clear, showing vs. telling is the first rule of creating a standout career profile.

But you have to promote yourself to rise above the competition. 

So, where’s the balance between obnoxious self praise and underselling yourself?

While all elements in your career profile should complement each other in promoting you as the best candidate, each plays a slightly different role in the process, and therefore works best with a nuanced tone. 

Let’s look at  the 3 main elements of your career profile—your resume, LinkedIn page, and cover letter—and how using those subtle changes in tone for each will create a compelling package that’s irresistible for the reader.

Continue reading “Is it OK to Brag?”
5 Things I Learned from Olympic Snowboarders

5 Things I Learned from Olympic Snowboarders

I don’t know about you, but my favorite Winter Olympic sport is snowboarding. Besides the fact that they seem to be free of controversy, it’s one sport where the competitors seriously look like they’re having FUN! 

Here are 5 things I learned from their performances and culture:

  1. Experience still matters. Man, it was fun to watch Lindsay Jacobellis and Nick Baumgartner. They’ve both struggled in the past, as one would with that kind of longevity—but they pushed hard to the very end to win the mixed team snowboard cross, adding to Jacobellis’ gold for the individual snowboard cross the night before. One of the announcers joked that they had 76 years of experience between them. Yep.
  1. Life isn’t fair, and we may not always be adequately recognized, but that’s not a reason to give up. Ayumu Hirano showed us—even with a WTF gasp-inducing score after his first completion of a triple cork, which had never been landed in Olympic competition—we don’t go off and sulk. We get back up and do it again, if for no other reason than to give the judges another chance to get it right. Thankfully, they did.
  1. We can step away from our career and not lose our edge. We all know Chloe Kim is a superstar, but I didn’t realize she’d taken time off to “discover who Chloe is outside of snowboarding and then come back and be in a better mental state.” Did this sabbatical give her the refresh she needed to win her second gold? Who knows. It certainly didn’t hurt. In any case, she reminded me that doing so doesn’t mean we have to forfeit our chances for continued success. 
  1. Even if we compete in an individual sport, we can be part of a team. Nothing says community like a bunch of snowboarders. Watching the other snowboarders pile on top of Anna Gasser after she became the first female snowboarder to land the triple cork, or Baumgartner’s rival wrap his arms around him as Jacobellis rushed to the finish line was so darned refreshing, and another reminder that there’s always room to celebrate others—even if they’re our direct competition.
  1. We can fall. We can fall in a messy way. It’s OK. It’s what we do afterward (and before!) that matters. That’s what legacies are made of. Thanks for a great run, Shaun White!
How to Use Career Stories to Land Your Next Role

How to Use Career Stories to Land Your Next Role

Photo credit: magical_light/Getty Images

Ask anyone who knows me, and they’ll agree. Even after years on the bleachers cheering my kids, I’m worthless when it comes to conversations about sports. That is, unless the athlete has an interesting backstory, personality trait, or quirk. I’m looking at you, Rafael Nadal.

I became a fan of Kansas City’s coach Andy Reid for the simple reason that I have a soft spot for coaches and players who’ve struggled yet continue to push themselves to overcome personal and professional adversity. Although Patrick Mahomes hadn’t appeared to suffer any major setbacks (until this year, anyway), he was part of the Andy Reid package. And when my brother pointed out that Mahomes had a unique throw, I was all in. 

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Put Your Career Profile on a Fitness Program

Put Your Career Profile on a Fitness Program

Photo credit: PeerCreative/Getty Images

What if I told you that if you just commit to a few minutes each day during 2 weeks in January, you’ll see a transformation in your resume, LinkedIn, and job search correspondence to one that’s lean and confident? 

And what better time than the new year to resolve to pep up your prose, ferret out the flab, and beef up the body of your career-related content?

Free Boot Camp Alert!

Sign up for my Career Content Boot Camp, and from January 10 through January 21, I’ll email you a short (promise!) daily exercise for strengthening your profile.

Whether or not you’ve already worked with me, these exercises will help tone your writing as you continue to send career-related correspondence and update your profile. Or if you know someone who is considering a job change, please share this with them.

Each day, in less time than it takes you to set up that fancy new fitness gadget, you’ll be one step closer to a more svelte career profile.

In the meantime, you can get a head start right now.

Sometimes the best way to bulk up or tone your muscles is by starting with a process of elimination: mercilessly removing counterproductive behavior that saps your energy or prevents you from reaching peak form. 

It’s no different when you’re writing your career profile. Words that have no value are like so many empty calories. So let’s cut ‘em!

The following are 5 words and phrases that constantly creep into resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and cover letters:

Continue reading “Put Your Career Profile on a Fitness Program”
Career Transition in 6 Steps

Career Transition in 6 Steps

Photo credit: Mark Horner/Getty Images

Aah. November. Crisp and refreshing. I love autumn for just that reason. Even the San Francisco Bay Area has its pops of color and brisk air. November is also a great time to refresh from the inside—and maybe think about refreshing your career. This could be anything from learning a new skill so you can grow in place, to redirecting your path altogether.

If you’re considering a transition to a new role, read on.

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A Gap in Your Career Doesn’t Have to Mean a Gap in Progress

A Gap in Your Career Doesn’t Have to Mean a Gap in Progress

Photo credit: Vernon Wiley/Getty Images

Let’s talk about career gaps without stirring up the usual associated anxiety. Your career opportunities don’t dry up just because you took time off from work. In fact, some important personal or professional growth may have taken root during those periods. If you plan to travel, study, volunteer, or take care of family, you may find you return to the office reinvigorated and with a newfound appreciation for work in the traditional sense.

The good news: according to a recent LinkedIn poll, the perception of employment gaps may be shifting.

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