My Gift to You: A Career Podcast Playlist

In 2020, I finally admitted to myself that my days of running were over, and with my gym closing and my devoted canine companion Clover staring up at me with her beseeching brown eyes, I committed to walking every day. Mind you, although this was something I enjoyed doing periodically with friends, walking was never an activity I relished doing solo.

So, how was I going to get myself out on the trail? I’m a big fan of pairing fun activities with what seem to be mundane (albeit necessary) ones to make the latter a little easier. I’m one of those who like a little sugar to help the medicine go down.

The first step was to distract myself by listening to the Godmother of podcasters, Terry Gross. And lo and behold, I soon found that I could actually forget the task at hand. Since then, I’ve built a library that includes all kinds of topics, from the writing craft to meditation to comedy. I got so into podcasts over the past year that I even launched my own.

But just because I created my own podcast, it doesn’t mean I want to spend my hour on the trail listening to myself talk. Besides the obvious weirdness of that, we in the career space know that if we’re going to get better at what we do, we need to constantly take in a variety of perspectives. So my holiday gift to you, dear reader, is my list of top 5 career-related podcasts, each with a unique style that keeps me coming back for more. Since I have no particular favorite among them, I’ve listed the shows in alphabetical order by their host’s name:

Happen to Your Career with Scott Anthony Barlow

Scott had me at “Happen,” as I guessed the show was about empowering his listeners to take ownership of their professional future. Scott didn’t disappoint. Through a blend of expert advice, honesty about the struggles in achieving career success, and real-world stories—including his own (thanks for putting yourself out there, Scott!)—his podcast will leave you feeling you have what it takes to get control of your career and make things…well…happen!

Career Central with Lorraine Beaman

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Lorraine on a few conference projects, and she runs her show like she runs her meetings: with a no-nonsense, get-to-the-point style that will energize you with concrete examples of proven practices that lead to success, challenges to common myths, and plenty of action items to start working on now. She knows your time is valuable and plans her conversations accordingly. If you need a boost in motivation, Lorraine’s crisp, focused dialogue with her expert guests will provide the fire and direction to get you moving.

The Confident Careerist with Teena Evert

Teena is an advocate for women who want to excel in their careers, and every episode provides a blueprint—including an assortment of valuable tips and tools—to help you get started toward a satisfying life and career. Teena’s background as a counselor and career coach is fully apparent from her can-do spirit in lifting up her listeners, and although she’ll certainly be a favorite among women, her advice has a universal appeal and can benefit anyone.

FOOTE-NOTES with Andy Foote

Andy brings a wealth of well-researched information to his podcast, with a dash of snark and a touch of quirk to add life to the data points. Andy’s an expert at LinkedIn, and if the idea of deep-dive analysis into the algorithms of LinkedIn, combined with an international flair and a great sense of humor appeal to you, he’s your man. But that’s not all! He’s well-connected globally, with a goldmine of refreshing perspectives from outside the US.

The Career Confidante with Marie Zimenoff

As the CEO of Career Thought Leaders, Marie taps into her vast network of career coaches and other specialists to bring us the latest in AI tools as well as a trove of road-tested guides to career success. Although she’s at the top of her field, she’s a champion of her colleagues and the clients they serve and is not satisfied to rest on her previous achievements, constantly learning and researching so she can keep up with and share new information—in real time—about changes affecting the job search.

Now, I’m not sure I’d refer to myself as a fanatic of walking just yet, but I can tell you that I look forward to my strolls with these folks. 2020 was tough for so many. At a time like this, we can all benefit by looking to those voices that lift us up by sharing their knowledge and cheering us on. I hope by introducing these podcasts to you you’ll be inspired to take action in the new year.

What not-so-fun task can you pair with these podcasts in 2021? Already listening? Feel free to share what you do while passing the time with these or other favorite podcasts.

I wish you a season of good health and hope!

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San Francisco, CA